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Bhutan: ECB confirms that the thromde election will be held on the set date

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THIMPHU, 22 April, 2021 (TON): Despite the unprecedented pandemic situation, the third thromde elections will be held on 28 April, according to the Election Commission of Bhutan (ECB).

The commission has worked out separate strategies to conduct the election amid the pandemic and the lockdown situation, said ECB’s head of civic and electoral training department, Phub Dorji.

Phuentsholing thromde is expected to see the election amid the lockdown.

Elections in the other two thromdes of Thimphu and Gelephu will be held with the protocol.

If the lockdown stays till the poll day in Phuentsholing, the election officials would visit the houses of voters to collect votes in envelopes, as movement of people will be restricted, Dorji said.

He stated, “Postal ballots will be issued to the voter who will then cast his or her secret vote, seal the envelope and return it to the election official.”

However, the ECB will mobilize vehicles to collect votes from the voters who are reside in other dzongkhags and plan to cast their votes in polling booths, as they will not be able to travel to the thromde if the lockdown remains.   

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