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Leaders of European right-wing parties discuss future of EU

WARSAW (TASS): Poland’s ruling Law and Justice Party, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, organized a meeting of the largest European right-wing conservative parties in Warsaw to discuss deepening cooperation and preferred directions for the development of the European Union.

The details of this meeting were reported to journalists by the Polish deputy of the European Parliament Tomasz Poreba.

He said “this meeting is intended primarily to serve to deepen cooperation at the European level between different parties, and also takes place in order to put a new diagnosis of the functioning of the EU and identify areas that clearly require changes.”

The MEP, quoted by the Polish Press Agency said “according to the MP, there are currently no plans to create a new group of conservative parties in the EU. “We’ll see in the future, but so far there is no such topic.”

Poremba said “a very good discussion [demonstrating] the conviction that the current direction of the EU’s development, consistent attempts to assign the competence of nation states by European institutions, the European Parliament, the European Commission, is absolutely not the path that should serve the development of the EU, EU citizens, the future of all of Europe.”

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