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US appoints devout Muslim as its global religious envoy

LONDON, 23 December 2021, (TON): The US Senate has confirmed a Muslim as the US ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom for the first time.

Rashad Hussain, 42, was confirmed by the US Senate last Thursday by an overwhelming majority of 85 to five.

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom hailed Hussain’s appointment, and highlighted his previous role as director for partnerships and global engagement at the National Security Council.

He also previously served as the Obama administration’s special envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

USCIRF Chair Nadine Maenza said in a statement “with his years of knowledge and experience, Ambassador Hussain is well placed to advance the US government’s promotion of international religious freedom.”

Hussain is a devout Muslim and hafiz, meaning he has memorized the entirety of the Qur’an.

An Arabic and Urdu speaker, Hussain’s previous work has included fighting antisemitism in the US, and defending religious minorities in countries with Muslim majorities.

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