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Ukrainian soldier killed as tensions with Russia soar

KIEV, 03 January 2022, (TON): Ukraine said “one of its soldiers was killed in fighting with pro-Moscow separatists, as the US again warned Russia against any attacks on the country.”

US President Joe Biden was due to speak to his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky on Sunday, after warning Russian President Vladimir Putin for the second time of a tough response should he invade Ukraine.

In his New Year’s Eve address, Zelensky said ending the war in the east remains his “main goal”.

The army said in a statement “one serviceman of the Joint Forces was fatally wounded.”

It added that separatists had launched three attacks within 24 hours, using grenade launchers and small arms. The army gave no further details of how the soldier was killed.

Tensions with Moscow have soared in recent months, with Russia massing troops near Ukraine’s borders. The West has accused the Kremlin of planning an invasion.

This week, Biden held his second phone call with Putin in just over three weeks, threatening Moscow with major economic sanctions should it launch an attack.

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