Afghanistan envoy Khalilzad conveyed the Istanbul Summit date to the negotiating teams

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KABUL, 8 April, 2021 (TON): Zalmay Khalilzad, the U.S. special envoy for Afghanistan reconciliation has communicated the upcoming Istanbul Summit’s date and agenda to the peace negotiating teams.

In a letter, Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad informed both government and Taliban negotiators of the date for the IN-backed Turkey conference on Afghanistan.

The media reported that the two teams, after multilateral meetings in Qatar to firm up the conference agenda, failed to make any tangible progress.

Earlier in the weeks, media reports suggested discussions on 16 April as a possible date for the conference.

The negotiating parties have not yet commented on Khalilzad’s letter. However, the agenda could be made public, if accepted by the two sides.


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